
Since its beginning in 1981, JMS Plastics Supply, Inc. always considered you our partner. We never lost sight of the fact that your success depends on the satisfaction of others, including physicians, and of course, patients. Because we share this understanding, our repeat business rate is nothing short of phenomenal. Besides, we also offer you important business essentials like the highest quality products, same-day shipping, incomparable technical support, product guarantees, and the finest value-added pricing in the business.

In addition to our plastic materials, covering and cushioning materials, and equipment and supplies, JMS offers a complete line of heat moldable EVA materials such as JMS EVA SWIRL in colors, and various thicknesses, and J-FOAM EVA SHEETS in 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 duro, and MULTI-COLORS for use in fabricating or covering FOOT ORTHOSES, ORTHOTIC POSTING, and HEEL LIFTS. The complete line of PLASTAZOTE, PELITE, ALIPLAST, VOLARA, NICKELPLAST, BIRKO-CORK, JMS BIO-KORK, J-KORK and other cork fabricating materials are available at JMS.

In addition to our Blue and Tan Poly-U, available in sheets, rolls and wheels, JMS now carries new formulations of Slow Recovery and Firm Absorbing Poron.

To aid the practitioner, JMS carries a broad line of PRE-FABRICATED INSOLES and ORTHOTICS, from the complete SOFSOLE line, which includes the highly popular SOF MOTION CONTROL ORTHOTICS, to the J-FAB PRE-FABS, which are shells made with and various combinations from MULTI-LAMS and TRI-LAMS components.

For all your orthotic needs, whether it be for FUNCTIONAL ORTHOTICS, SPORT ORTHOTICS, or for DIABETIC or ACCOMODATIVE ORTHOTICS, JMS Plastics Supply, Inc. is proud to serve you.

Be sure you review our convenient Materials and Equipment listing, our helpful FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) section.